Sunday, August 16, 2009

Malaysian Longivity Statistic

year 1990 - male average 69.2 y/o, female average 73.7 y/o.
year 2007 - male average 71.7 y/o, female average 76.5 y/o.

cheers malaysian, we have better life span..........

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Malaysian Age Distribution Statistics

10 years ago:
65 y/o and above - 3.91%
15 - 64 y/o - 61.67%
14 y/o & below - 34.42%

10 years later as at 31 July 2009:
65 y/o and above - 4.6%
15 - 64 y/o - 63.6%
14 y/o & below - 31.8%

Note : Increased in aging population and decreased in newborn rate.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Power-pack Kind of Fruit - Durian

3 major types :

white, yellow (comon) & red (uncommon).

Power-pack nutrition versus apple for an average of 230g of important nutrients:

Nutrients / durain / green apple
Protein / 3.57g / 0.58g
Potassium / 1059mg / 239mg
Sodium / 5mg/ 2mg
Calcium / 15mg / 13mg
Magnesium / 73mg / 11mg
Zinc / 0.68mg / 0.09mg
Manganese / 0.79mg / 0.078mg
Vit C / 47.9mg / 10.3mg
Niacin / 2.61mg / 0.203mg

You wanna calculate?

Happy "durian" day.......

Source : US Agricultural Research Service