Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Surprises about eating fruits!!!

It has been recommended 5 servings of fruits per day are healthy. But, something you are not aware is that, consuming sweet fruits is harmful as it elevates blood sugar; it is a heath threatening fact for those with family history of diabetes or someone with pre-diabetic condition.

Adversely, gout could be triggered by eating too much of sweet fruits versus traditional believes in gout is triggered by food contains high purine foods such as mushroom, beans, meat, seafoods and etc.

Avoid taking large servings of sweet fruits such as lychee, dried dates, watermelon, mango, rambutan and etc.

Taking beneficial fruits such as guava, bitter gout, berries, prunes, lemon, tomato and etc.

Remember, taking too much of sugary food is a poison!!!

1 comment:

kirin said...

fortunately many sweet fruits are seasonal..

if not, many will end up with diabetic because people assume "eating fruits is good"..